Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers present: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and 2 Trustees. There were 22 members present.
The Minutes for the February 2020 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs and Training Fund amounted to $79,615.99.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report- No report.
NRA Training Group Report- CGC NRA Instructors conducted an NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home course in March for 9 shooters and all requirements were met. Two other courses were cancelled due to the pandemic. The Training Group has several activities planned for July.
New Members- There were 12 new members processed into the Club.
4-H Sharpshooters– The 4-H practices and competitions are on hold until October. Until then, the coaches will invite two Sharpshooters at a time to shoot at the range to help keep up their skills.
Cowboy Action- No Report.
Membership Committee- Currently there are 474 active members and 10 pending new member applications. Our insurance company will be contacted to increase our coverage due to the number of active members.
WPPL Pistol Team- No Report.
Technology and Security Committee- No Report.
Trustees Report– The soundproofing panels being donated to the CGC will be delivered to the Club on Wednesday, July 1st. The supplies needed for installation will be purchased by the Club. Help is needed installing the panels at a date/time to be determined. An email will be sent to members asking for support in this project.
Old Business- None
New Business-
Support of Local Law Enforcement– It has been suggested the Club show support of the Carlisle Police Department, especially with recent actions against police across our country. While many agreed with this idea, it is unclear how to best show our appreciation. Randy Nichols will research the options available and discuss at the next club meeting.
For the Good of the Club-
Concealed Carry Permit- Sheriff Anderson will be retiring soon, so please make sure your Concealed Carry Permit is up to date.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Moul
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club