Meeting Minutes January 2020
February 26, 2020Meeting Minutes June 2020
July 28, 2020Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers present: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and 3 Trustees. There were 23 members present.
The Minutes for the January 2020 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs and Training Fund amounted to $80,856.60.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report- An email will be sent to all CGC members reminding us of the allowable calibers on the CGC range.
NRA Training Group Report- CGC NRA Instructors conducted an NRA Basics of Personal Protection Inside the Home course for 6 shooters and all requirements were met. The 2020 Training Schedule is posted on the CGC website.
New Members- There were 3 new members processed into the Club.
4-H Sharpshooters– The 4-H made over $500.00 at their food stand during the Cowboy Action event.
Cowboy Action- The Cowboy Action Shoot was successful. A total of $520 was collected in registration fees.
Membership Committee- Currently there are 462 active members and 4 pending new member applications. We are rapidly approaching the club maximum of 475 members due to insurance reasons.
WPPL Pistol Team- No Report.
Technology and Security Committee- The key fobs are working well, and there are no issues with technology to report.
Trustees Report– The rubber on the backstop will need to be replaced sometime in the near future. An email will be sent to all CGC members requesting help in attaining new rubber conveyor belt material.
Old Business-
Utah Carry Permit- Mike Kubarek is looking into hosting a Utah permit to carry class. Utah requires at least 4 hours of gun handling safety and training. Most likely this will be scheduled on a Sunday afternoon in April. More details to follow.
Trolley System- A club member asked if a trolley system could be installed on the range to allow shooting at different distances. This was researched in the past and it was determined that our current range is unable to accommodate such system.
Range Overcrowding- Members were asked if they feel the range has been congested since the increase in number of active members. Most members feel there is no issue with overcrowding, however, a request was made that fob reports be run every 3 months to monitor range usage.
New Business-
Club Work Day– Due to the increase of range usage, it has been suggested the Club have 2 work days per year, one in the Spring and Fall, to clean up the backstop and equipment.
Friends of the NRA Banquet- This year’s NRA banquet is scheduled for Sunday, March 29th at 2pm at the Camp Hill Country Club. Visit to purchase tickets. The funds from this banquet stay in our area. Our Club will benefit from an NRA grant again this year, possibly around a $4,000 grant.
For the Good of the Club-
A Glock magazine is lost. If you find it, please see Denny Keuhn.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Moul
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club