Meeting Minutes January 2020

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Meeting Minutes January 2020

Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers present: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and 3 Trustees.  There were 37 members present.

The Minutes for the December 2019 meeting were read and approved. 

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report- No Report.

NRA Training Group Report- Tom & Jason Richwine hosted an Instructor Clinic for 11 CGC NRA Instructors.  This year’s clinic was titled “Graduated Skills for Basic Pistol Instruction”. CGC NRA Instructors conducted an NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course for 13 shooters and all requirements were met.

New Members- There were 7 new members processed into the Club.

4-H Sharpshooters– The 4-H will be serving breakfast and lunch at the Cowboy Action event on February 1st.  The Sharpshooters recently competed in the Palmyra Invitational and each shooter showed improvement.  They are hoping to participate in a Junior 3 position Sectional in February.

Cowboy Action- The Cowboy Action Shoot is scheduled for Feb. 1st at 8:00am- 4:00pm.  Come out and watch 27 shooters and support the 4-H at their food stand.

Membership Committee- Currently there are 459 active members and 6 pending new member applications.  We are rapidly approaching the club maximum of 475 members due to insurance reasons.

WPPL Pistol Team- The Gold team is currently in 6th place while the Blue team is in 9th place.  If you want to improve your shooting skills and accuracy, join a team.  Contact Gary Gibson or Dick Pryor for more information.

Technology and Security Committee- There are currently no issues with technology.

Trustees Report– The roof leak is back.  It will be repaired temporarily until the Spring.   Darren Snow’s employer is offering the CGC 40 soundproofing panels at no cost. These panels can be hung on the interior walls with panel adhesive to help absorb some of the sound on the range.

Old Business- None

New Business-

Utah Carry Permit- Mike Kubarek is researching the possibility of hosting an Utah permit to carry class.  It is estimated the class will cost $75-$100 and will include training, fingerprinting and photos.  There may be an application fee. Utah requires at least 4 hours of gun handling safety and training.

US Law Shield- Mike Kubarek is also working on scheduling another US Law Shield class for CGC members and guests.  More details to come.

For the Good of the Club-

Allowable Calibers on CGC Range- Reminder to all members- pistol calibers only! Failure to follow this rule will result in loss of Club membership for life and payment of range repairs. Video will be randomly reviewed and Club members are asked to speak up if they see someone with prohibited ammunition.  Report any infractions to Slim Connors with the description of the person and license plate number.

Applicants without Sponsors- A sponsor is required for all new club applicants. If an applicant does not have a sponsor, he/she is invited to attend a CGC members’ meeting to talk with current club members and ask them to be a sponsor. Both the sponsor and applicant must be present at the meeting in which the new member is being processed. If a sponsor is unable to attend the meeting that the new member is being processed, it is the sponsor’s responsibility to contact a current club member and ask them to stand in.

May Members Meeting- It was brought to the board’s attention that the last Monday in May is Memorial Day.  The new meeting date will be decided and posted on the Club’s website.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Moul
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club