The Club sponsors a number of activities open to Club members and the general public.

William Penn Pistol League

William Penn Pistol League (WPPL) is made up of a group of ten local clubs that compete in a .22lr Bull’s-eye competition. The course of fire consists of 20 shots slow fire (2-ten shot relays each in ten minutes), 20 shots timed fire (4-5 shot relays of 20 seconds each) and 20 shots rapid fire (4-5 shot relays of 10 seconds each). Each shot is worth 10 points and a total possible score is 600.

Targets are NRA approved or their equivalent for 50 foot indoor matches. The top five shooters from each team are considered the gold team for the evening and the match is decided by their aggregate score (2 points) and aggregates for slow fire (1 point), timed fire (1 point) and rapid fire (1 point) for a possible 5 points for the evening. The next highest five shooters are considered the blue team and their points for the evening are scored the same. These scores are accumulated over 27 matches to determine the best Gold and Blue club teams for the season.

When: Year round, Practices Tuesdays at 7:00pm.
September – April, Competitions Wednesdays at 7:00pm. See Events Calendar for Exact dates at the club.



4H/Youth Cumberland County Sharpshooters

Our Team is the Cumberland County 4-H Sharp Shooters. We meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 PM (dependent on weather and or holidays).

We use single shot, bolt action .22 long rifle caliber guns, “Olympic” style peep sights with round apertures at US Army/NRA Official 50ft small bore rifle targets.

The Club supplies rifles or shooters can use their own. Ammunition is supplied at close to cost.

NRA rules are followed using the ten target format. We teach four shooting positions consisting of prone, standing, sitting, and kneeling. We teach leadership through team assignments, meetings, and club functions. We also teach and stress basic gun safety and marksmanship training. There are fund raisers in which members are expected to complete and participate. There are individual projects required for the Cumberland County 4-H Round-up held in July or August each year.

We request shooters be responsible and able to focus. Shooters must be between 10-18 years old .  We prefer shooters be at least 10 years old by September 1st. All participants must be a member of  the 4-H which can be completed either through the Club or at the extension office after meeting with  team leaders and or coaches. Eight individuals are selected to shoot on the Senior and Junior teams at the 4-H State Achievement Days competition in July.

When: October – July at Thursday evenings at 6:30pm

Contact(s): John Batdorf / John Gingrich:


Cowboy Action Shooters

Twice a year, Carlisle Gun Club hosts the Cowboy Actions Shooters which is a local group known as the Perry County Regulators. They are affiliated with the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS). For an in-depth description of what SASS shooting is about, read the SASS Handbook.

When: First Saturday in January and February (Lunch to be provided by the 4H Youth Cumberland County Sharpshooters)



Action Shooters

International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) drills improve a shooters response time and accuracy. Drills run with or without a timer. They include scenarios where you engage multiple targets that may include shooter movement and reloads.

When: Year Round, Mondays at 7:00pm, except when there is a membership meeting.

Contact(s): Scott Hoaglund: