Meeting Minutes June 2020
July 28, 2020Meeting Minutes August 2020
September 29, 2020Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club Vice President.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers present: Vice President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and 2 Trustees. There were 15 members present.
The Minutes for the June 2020 meeting were read and approved by acclamation.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs and Training Fund amounted to $76,869.83.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report- No report.
NRA Training Group Report- Three CGC NRA Instructors volunteered in the Roots for Boots Veterans Charity-sponsored Ladies only NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course on July 25th for 13 shooters. All objectives were met and all shooters completed the course. Two NRA courses that were cancelled due to the pandemic are now scheduled during August.
New Members- There were 10 new members processed into the Club.
4-H Sharpshooters– No Report.
Cowboy Action- The team is taking a wait-and-see approach while there is still uncertainty due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. New rules and procedures will have to be enforced during future events such as mandatory face masks, sanitization, etc. More details to follow in the coming weeks.
Membership Committee- Currently there are 484 active members and a few new member applications.
WPPL Pistol Team- There has been discussion on how to effectively start the season. The team hopes to start in September with a few changes to how competitions take place, possibly shooting at our home club, mail in scores and compete with other teams electronically.
Technology and Security Committee- No Report.
Trustees Report– The soundproofing panels have been installed in the range. Thank you to the volunteers for your help with this project.
Old Business-
Support of Local Law Enforcement– It has been suggested the Club show support to our local law enforcement. Sgt. Dave Miller will be our guest speaker at August CGC meeting. Also, Randy Nichols will research the options available and discuss with the club.
New Business-
Elections– Nominations are needed for each elected office including 1 Trustee position. Elections will be held at the September meeting. An email will be sent to all CGC members regarding this.
NRA-ILA-The CGC will be accepting donations for the NRA-ILA starting in September. Please notate “NRA-ILA” on your check memo line. Slim will send Clayton an email template to be sent to all CGC members.
For the Good of the Club- None
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Moul
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club