Meeting Minutes August 2018

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Meeting Minutes August 2018

Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers present: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and 3 trustees.  There were 42 members present

The Minutes for the July 30, 2018 meeting were read and accepted .  

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.  The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs and Training Fund amounted to $62,333.09.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report.  No Report

NRA Training Group Report- The NRA Training Group reported on training support (instructors and instructional materials) they provided to Roots for Boots.  There will be a two Basics of Pistol Shooting classes in September.

There were no membership applications for this month. 

4H Shooters.  No Report

Cowboy Action.  No Report

Membership Committee- There are 89 individuals on the waiting list.  There was a reminder that dues are required to be paid by September 30th.  After that members have until October 31 to pay with a additional $10 late fee.

WPPL Pistol Team.   No Report

Trustees Report.-  Dick Pryor reported on the changes to the lights in the parking lots.

Exhaust Fans.   The motor in the exhaust fan on the parking lot side of the range is burned out.  Dick will investigate the possibilities for a replacement.

Darren Snow was recognized and thanked for his work in replacing the gravel in the parking lot.

The range clean-up/maintenance day was set for October 13.  All were encouraged to participate.


Old Business.

Video Surveillance Upgrade- There will be a demonstration in September.

There was no new information on the issue of the property appraisal.

New Business.

Nomination of Officers.  The following candidates were nominated for club officers:

President- Joe Wasiak
Vice President- Slim Connors
Treasurer- Darren Snow
Recording Secretary- Beth Moul
Corresponding Secretary- Clayton Morrow

Denny Kuehn made a motion that club officers, trustees, and Membership Committee chair serve with a complimentary membership.  The motion was voted and approved.

There was a proposal to approve a change to the rules to allow the use of bowling pins as targets.  Considerable discussion followed.  It was suggested that the Club Vice President investigate the possibility and establish a limited trial.  Both the Club Training Officer and Safety office will be involved in this process.  22 September at 6:00pm was the suggested trial date and time.

There was a reminder for all committee chairs and those responsible for club activities to keep the website coordinator, Matt Creason, updated to any activity/committee dates and changes.

For the Good of the Club.

            There was a suggestion to use a spray on application for the roof as opposed to the replacement of the roof material.

There was a suggestion to replace the windows in the meeting room section of the club.

It was noted that Carlisle Syntech donated $500 to the Club for the purchase of a laptop.   The president will send a thank you note.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 pm

Joseph Wasiak
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club