Meeting Minutes November 2017

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November 28, 2017
Meeting Minutes December 2017
March 12, 2018
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Meeting Minutes November 2017

Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President; there were 37 members present.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers present: President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and 2 Trustees.

The Minutes for the October 30, 2017 meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.  The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs and Training Fund amounted to $48,003.65.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report.  NSTR

Membership.   There were 23 candidates for membership.

NRA Training Group Report- Reported a total balance of $2,871.53 in the training account.  Reported on the Training group activities for the month of November 2017 and the projected activities for the remainder of the year which included a Defensive Pistol Course on 18 December.

4H Shooters– NSTR.

Cowboy Action.  Encouraged club members to attend the Cowboy Action Shoots in January and February 2018.

Membership Committee- NSTR

WPPL Pistol Team.  NSTR   

Trustees Report.-

Reported on the need for preventative maintenance for the louvres on the vents.  Reported on an increasing number of errant shots into the area above the range backstop.  The club corresponding secretary will put out a message to all members on the need for safely discharging weapons into the appropriate areas on the range.

Old Business-  Tom Richwine reported on his meeting with the Carlisle (UK) Gun Club and their desire to develop a shooting competition with this club.    There was an interest expressed by club members present to pursue this.

It was reported that we still have trespassers in the parking lot and for members to be aware and report suspicious activity to the police.

New curbs have been procured for the parking lot and will be installed.

There was a discussion on whether the gun club has further investigated the possibility of installing a small safe for temporary storage of a weapon at the club.  Tom Richwine will check with the club’s insurance company to determine any impacts or limitations.  This will be added to the agenda for the December meeting.

New Business- 

There was a discussion on the laws addressing the use medical marijuana and gun ownership.  There was a Motion to start the process to make a change to the Bylaws to require members to notify the club if their legal status regarding gun ownership changes.  This was followed by a discussion.  The motion was not voted.  This was followed by a motion to table the original motion to a future date. This second motion was voted and approved.

There was a discussion on possible fundraising and conducting raffles at the club.  It was decided to postpone the resolution of this issue to a future meeting until those members in processing new applicants (the NRA Training Team) could be present.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.

Joseph Wasiak
Recording Secretary
Carlisle Gun Club