Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers present:President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and 2 Trustees. There were 21 members present.
The Minutes for the May 2019 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report-No Report.
NRA Training Group Report-CGC NRA Instructors assisted with training 67 youth shooters during the PA State Police Youth Week program. In addition to in-processing 18 new members, CGC NRA instructors provided more than 17 hours of training in June. CGC NRA Instructor led courses will resume in September.
New Members- There were 10 new members processed into the Club.
4H Shooters– No Report.
Cowboy Action- No Report.
Membership Committee- Applicants will continue to be processed during upcoming meetings. Currently there are 22 available spots for new members.
WPPL Pistol Team- The Pistol Team recently enjoyed a banquet with nice door prizes. They are currently looking for more shooters. Practice is on Tuesday evenings until the matches start back up in September. Contact Gary Gibson or Dick Pryor if you are interested in joining the team.
Trustees Report– No Report
Old Business-
NRA Grant- The grant has been fulfilled; however we are waiting on a check for the gun safe since they were out of stock.
US Law Shield- The seminar was held in June and was very successful. If there’s interest, more seminars might be offered in the future.
New Business-
NRA-ILA-A motion was passed for the CGC to start accepting donations now for the NRA-ILA. Clayton will send a reminder email to all members.
NRA CCW- There was much discussion about a new NRA course designed to meet the minimum requirements of all the different states that issue Concealed Carry permits. The course requires NRA Instructors to be trained in this new course to qualify to teach. The CGC board will research and discuss this further and then report back to the Club.
For the Good of the Club-
Dues- Membership dues will remain at $60/year for 2020.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Moul
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club