Meeting Minutes July 2023

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Meeting Minutes August 2023
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Meeting Minutes July 2023

Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
July 31, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by the Club President.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers and Members Present:  President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and three Trustees were present. The Treasurer was absent. There were 43 members present.

Minutes for the 26 June 2023 meeting were read and approved.  Motion to accept the minutes, as read, was made by Dean Clepper and seconded by Rick Blosser. The motion carried.

Treasurer Report was read by the President and approved.   The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, and CD of $50,955.04 amounted to $115,599.42. Motion to accept the Treasurer Report, as read, was made by Denny Kuehn and seconded by Tom Sheperd. The motion carried.

Corresponding Secretary Report – Scot Storey. The Corresponding Secretary sent seven emails: Range cleaning, cleaning floors, range work days, changes to work days, roof repairs, range re-opening, and one reminding members of the 31 July 2023 General Membership Meeting.

CGC NRA Training Group Activities Report – Denny Kuehn. There were no NRA courses during the month of July. Two CGC NRA Training Counselors, Bruce Apgar and Fred Gellert worked the 2023 National Scout Jamboree held 19-28 July in Glen Jean WV. See the 31 July 2023 CGC NRA Training Group Activities Report for additional details.

New Members – There were 3 new members voted into the Club.

4-H Youth Small-Bore Rifle Shooting Program – John Gingrich. The 2023-2024 season will begin Thursday evening on 28 September 2023 for previous-season shooters and on Thursday 5 October 2023 for new 4-H youth shooters. The Gingriches have been serving as leaders and coaches for many years and they are looking for volunteers to take over leadership and coaching functions for the Carlisle Gun Club sponsored 4-H Youth Smallbore Rifle shooters. Anyone interested in serving our youth with this important shooting sports program, please contact John Gingrich.

Cowboy Action – No report.

Membership Committee – Rob Stewart. There are 486 current members, including the 3 which were voted in at this meeting. There are an additional remaining 4 valid applicants who may be invited for individual or group New Member CGC Range Orientation briefings and paperwork, and for range safety evaluations by CGC NRA instructors. If found qualified, these remaining applicants may then be presented to the Body for membership vote at any CGC general Membership Meeting before the before the 29 January 2024 CGC General Membership Meeting. Individual or group CGC Range Orientations and Safety Evaluations remain at the discretion of CGC NRA instructors, in accordance with CGC procedures. Otherwise, no new member orientations will be provided until the 29 January 2024 General Membership Meeting.

Technology and Security Committee – John Haiduck. The system was upgraded as part of the annual service contract. The security system appears to be working.

WPPL Pistol Team – Gary Gibson. The 2023-2024 WPPL season will begin Wednesday 6 September 2023 with a WPPL Home Match at CGC.

Trustees Report

  1. George Lawrence and Kurt Uhler. Trustees and associates coordinated with Carlisle Construction Materials for the roof replacement which was conducted as part of ongoing training activities and with @ $18 worth of donated materials. The estimated total cost for the new roof is $24,859.24…significantly under budget. The ceiling repairs are yet to be contracted.
  2. Bob Berrettini. CGC Work Days were scheduled for 19-21 July 2023. The work included range repair, lead/brass removal and sale, some landscaping, exterior cement patches and repair of window glazing, and reorganization of storage areas. The work was completed a day early with sincere thanks to Steve Bear, Roger Miller, Doug and Mindy Fesler, Dennis Smith, John Fitzgerlad, Joe Renard, Jim Duck, Tony Caldwell, James Stull, Philip Brandburg, Dwight Mcgee, Ray Boles, Ed Blair, Patrick Werner, Dean Clepper, Kurt Uhler, Darren Snow, Phil Dyche, George Lawrence, and Bob Berrettini.

Old Business – None.

New Business – Kurt Uhler. Pine Road passing by the range is going to be paved and will connect to a left turn lane onto York Road from the east. Slim mentioned that any CGC property which is impinged by this road should require a contractor provision that the current CGC parking lot be paved and that the land to the CGC land to the west of the Club should be graded and graveled for overflow parking. Member Joe Tricarico has historic information on previous agreements when the road paving initiative was first proposed.


For the Good of the Club

  1. Kurt Uhler.
  2. Nominations for Club elected positions will be held at the 28 August 2023 General Membership

Meeting. Incumbent Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary positions will need to be

filled. Nominations are open only during the August meeting.

  1. Reminder that dues need to be paid in during the month of September and that they may be accepted at

the 28 August CGC General Membership meeting.

  1. Jim Yemzow. Jim Reminded everyone that the annual NRA Institute for Legislative Action Campaign is upon us. Jim Moved that the Club traditionally sends $500 to NRA ILA. Jim made the motion and Fred Gellert seconded. The Motion carried.
  2. Denny Kuehn. Denny reminded us that the Cumberland County Special Response Team (SRT) is underfunded by the County and by local Police Departments. The last couple of years, the CGC has donated $1000 to the SRT. Denny Moved that CGC donate $1000 to the Cumberland County SRT. The motion was seconded by Tom Sheperd. The motion carried.


Motion to Adjourn – Motion to adjourn was made by Bob Berrettini and seconded by Rick Blosser. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:41pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Slim Connors
Recording Secretary