Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers and Members Present: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and three Trustees. The Recording Secretary was absent. There were 32 members present.
Minutes for the 31 July 2023 Meeting: The Meeting Minutes were read by the President and approved. Motion to accept the minutes, as corrected, was made by Dean Clepper and seconded by Jim Yemzow. The motion carried.
Treasurer Report: The Treasurer Report was read and approved. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CD of $51,137.58 amounted to $83,530.54. Motion to accept the Treasurer Report, as read, was made by George Lawrence, and seconded by Tom Shepard. The motion carried.
Corresponding Secretary Report: Scot Storey. Sent three member broadcast emails: one announcing the workdays, a correction to end of work, and one reminder about nominations and the month of August meeting.
CGC Training Group Activities Report: Tom Sheperd. The CGC Training Fund balance was $1,814.94. CGC NRA instructors will host an NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course on 8-9 September 2023. The course is full. See the 28 August 2023 NRA Training Group Activities Report for additional details.
New Members – There were two new members voted into the Club.
4-H Youth Small-Bore Rifle Shooting Program: John Gingrich. The older youth shooters will begin practice on Thursday, 28 September 2023 and the younger and newer youth shooters will begin practice on Thursday, 5 October. Practice times are from @ 6:15pm-@8pm Thursday nights. The Gingriches are still looking for volunteers to assume duties of 4-H Youth shooters, anyone interested should contact the Gingriches.
Cowboy Action: No report.
Membership Committee: Joe Wasiak. There are currently 489 active members. With the 2 new members voted in at the 28 August meeting, there are 491 members with 9 remaining available membership slots. There are 2 current, valid applications.
Technology and Security Committee: John Haiduck. There are recording issues with the video surveillance system. Committee Chair is in contact with Kirk from the current service vendor and will look for solutions to the video surveillance system restart after Windows updates. Will provide an update at next CGC meeting.
WPPL Pistol Team: Gary Gibson. The WPPL, 1st match is Sept 6th at home. The WPPL schedule will be posted at the range and on the CGC website.
Trustees Report: Phil Dyche – No report. George Lawrence – No report. Bob Berrettini – The new banners on the range have already received bullet impacts at least 3 times within the past 10 days…revealing a disregard for keeping impacts within the range impact fan of below the target turners and above the target stanchions and on the black conveyor belts. There must be consequences for unsafe actions on the range. Discussion ensued. What are the procedures to handle unsafe actions and we need for clarifications on procedures to handle such unsafe actions.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
1.The President chaired nominations for 2023-2024 CGC Club officer and Trustee elections. Because there were no contended nominations for any position, Mike Kubarek moved and Tom Sheperd seconded the motion that the current slate of officers be re-elected to continue in their positions for the 2023-2024 CGC Fiscal year. The motion carried. The slate presented is: President – Kurt Uhler; Vice-President – Steve Baker; Treasurer – Darren Snow; Recording Secretary – vacant, but Ms. Trudie Couser agreed to fill the position and will be appointed by the President to do so effective 1 October 2023…Trudie will be presented for vote to confirm at the 30 October meeting; Corresponding Secretary – vacant; Trustee – George Lawrence. The CGC Webmaster remains Matt Creason. The Membership Director remains Rob Stewart. There are no other changes to committee assignments. 2. Tom Richwine recommended creating a temporary Range Safety Committee to discuss safety issues and By-Laws job descriptions and to make recommendations to Range Management and then to Club members for possible By-Laws changes to hold accountable members who violate range rules and procedures. The President agreed and established a Range Safety Committee and appointed Tom Richwine (Chair), Tom Sheperd, Mike Kubarek, Bob Berrettini and Slim Connors to the committee. 3. The President reminded all members that each member is responsible for their guests.
For the Good of the Club – Gary Gibson reported that club member Don Jones passed away 28 August 2023. A sympathy card on behalf of all Club members will be sent to Don’s family.
Motion to Adjourn was made by George Lawrence, seconded by Denny Kuehn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kurt Uhler
President, Carlisle Gun Club