Meeting Minutes June 2021
October 7, 2021Meeting Minutes August 2021
October 7, 2021Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers and Members Present: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and 1 Trustee. Corresponding Secretary, Phil Dyche and Dick Pryor were absent. There were 20 members present.
Minutes for the 28 June 2021 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Report was read and approved. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs, less Training Fund, amounted to $88,996.40. The Training Fund balance was $7,023.36.
Corresponding Secretary Report – No report. See For the Good of the Club below for 3 items that request Corresponding Secretary action before the 30 August 2021 General Membership Meeting. NOTE: If voting by a slate, announcement of voting must be made before 19 August 2021 to comply with 10-day notice requirement in CGC By-Laws.
CGC Training Group Activities Report – On 24 July 2021, 5 CGC NRA instructors supported an NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course for 14 women shooters at Adams County Sport Handgunners Association in Gardners, PA. This course was hosted by Roots for Boots Veteran Support Organization. Bob Berrettini provided 16 hours of rifle training for 4 shooters at the Project Appleseed event at Quarryville, PA on 3-4 July 2021. CGC NRA instructors provided 21 hours of firearms safety and proficiency training for 10 shooters during end of June and month of July 2021. See the 26 July 2021 NRA Training Group Activities Report for additional information.
New Members – There were no new members voted into the Club. Membership is capped until membership slots become available in November 2021.
4-H Youth Small-Bore Rifle Shooting Program – No Report.
Cowboy Action – No Report.
Membership Committee – There are currently 498 active members, leaving 2 remaining available membership slot. There are 18 new member applications (3 with no sponsor.) CGC membership is capped until November 2021.
Technology and Security Committee – No report.
WPPL Pistol Team – No Report.
Trustees Report – George Lawrence. No report. Trustees were reminded that the left range fan is inoperative and needs repair. George will contact James Richwine and will provide an update at the next meeting.
Old Business – No old business.
New Business – No new business.
For the Good of the Club – Member Jim Yemzow reminded members that this is the time if year that the Club traditionally holds a matching fund effort to support the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (ILA.) Jim made the motion to support the NRA ILA fund raising effort with up to $500 of matching CGC funds contributed to the NRA ILA by CGC member donations. Seconded by George Lawrence. Motion carried.
– President Steve will ask Clayton to send email announcement regarding CGC support for the NRA ILA. Members who donate to the NRA ILA should notify the CGC Treasurer with the date and amount of their donation to the NRA ILA.
– President Steve will ask Clayton to send an email reminder that nominations for Club leader positions are due at the August General Membership meeting and voting occurs during the September meeting. Installations of newly-elected leaders is effective 1 October. Members should notify any officer of their intention to run for elected office. Officers will notify President Steve for consolidation of ballots for the 30 August meeting. NOTE: If voting by a slate, announcement of voting must be made before 19 August 2021 to comply with 10-day notice requirement in CGC By-Laws.
– President Steve will ask Clayton to send an email reminder that annual $60 CGC dues may be paid at the August CGC General Membership meeting, after which PayPal is activated for membership renewals. Dues must be received before 30 September. If paid during October, there is an additional $10 late fee. After 31 October, members who have not renewed their membership will be dropped from CGC membership so new members may join the Club starting in November. Make checks payable to “Carlisle Gun Club” and get to Membership Committee Chair, Rob Stewart, at the 30 August, 27 September, or 25 October 2021 (with $10 late fee) CGC General Membership Meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:16pm
Respectfully submitted,
Slim Connors
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club