Meeting Minutes January 2019

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Meeting Minutes January 2019

Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers present: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and 2 Trustees.  There were 26 members present

The Minutes for the December 2018 meeting were read and approved. 

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report-No Report

NRA Training Group Report-The NRA Training Group reported on training they conducted in January with a total of 19 students.  All training objectives were achieved.

New Members- There were 18 new members processed into the Club. 

4H Shooters– The 4H shooters will be competing in the NRA Junior 3-Position Sectionals.  Rifle #11 malfunctioned, however there were no injuries. The 4H will be serving food during Cowboy Action on Feb. 2nd.

Cowboy Action- The Cowboy Action shoot is scheduled for February 2ndstarting at 10am.

Membership Committee- Membership is now over 400 members.  There are 40 more applications that will be processed.

WPPL Pistol Team- They are still competing and currently in 5thplace. Contact Gary Gibson if you are interested in joining the team.

Trustees Report– No report.    

Old Business-

Internet service- After reviewing quotes and services from several internet service providers, a motion to contract with Comcast was voted and approved.

Range Notice- Improvement is still needed on giving members notice of range closings.  Clayton Morrow will ask Matt Creason if he needs help updating the website and assist him if requested.

NRA Grant- Mike Kubarek has applied for a $5000 grant to be used towards new pistols, a gun safe, and supplies for NRA training.

New Business- No comments        

For the Good of the Club- The Carlisle Gun Club received a thank you letter from the NRA for our recent donation of $920.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Moul
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club