Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club Recording Secretary, serving as presiding officer.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers and Members Present: Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and 1 Trustee. President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, and two Trustees, Dick Pryor and George Lawrence, were absent. There were 32 members present.
Minutes for the 30 August 2021 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept Minutes, as read, was made by Rick Blosser; seconded by Phil Dyche. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report was read and approved. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs, less Training Fund, amounted to $99,922.74. Included in this total is the roof fund, which has $40K. The Training Fund balance was $6,246.29. CGC member contributions to the NRA ILA are currently at $760 and the fund drive goes through September. The Treasurer will compile a report and will provide the NRA ILA with a matching $500, as previously approved by member vote. Motion to accept report, as read, made by Don Kirk; seconded by Rick Blosser. Motion carried.
Corresponding Secretary Report – No report.
CGC Training Group Activities Report – CGC NRA instructors conducted NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting courses on 10-11 September and 17-18 September 2021. There were 11 shooters in these courses and all completed course requirements. CGC will host an NRA Basics of Personal Protection In The Home course 15-16 October 2021. This course is full. Three CGC NRA instructors provided 15 hours of firearms safety and proficiency training for 13 shooters during the month of September 2021. See the 27 September 2021 CGC Training Group Activities Report for additional information.
New Members – There were no new members voted into the Club.
4-H Youth Small-Bore Rifle Shooting Program – John Gingrich. On 15 September 2021, The Higher Information Group shooting sports fund raiser event yielded @ $2500 for the youth shooters sponsored by the Carlisle Gun Club. Accordingly, John Gingrich will coordinate with Mike Kubarek to purchase several Savage rifles through the Civilian Marksmanship Program to become property of the Carlisle Gun Club for youth shooting sports activities. ACTION ITEM: Mike Kubarek. Returning shooters from last year’s teams will begin shooting at the Club on Thursday evenings starting 30 September 2021. New youth shooters will begin safety and proficiency training starting 7 October 2021. Well done, John!
Cowboy Action – Rick Blosser. Cowboy Action shooters are looking forward to their traditional shoot at the Carlisle Gun Club on Saturday 8 January 2022 and on Saturday 5 February 2022. Because New Years Day falls on the 1st Saturday of 2022, the traditional 1st Saturday of January shoot is moved to 8 January 2022. The Recording Secretary will coordinate with the CGC Webmaster to reflect these dates on the CGC calendar. ACTION ITEM: Webmaster.
Membership Committee – There are currently 497 active members, leaving 3 remaining available membership slots. There are 26 new member applications (3 with no sponsor.) To date, 340 current members have renewed their memberships. CGC membership is capped until November 2021.
Technology and Security Committee – Don Reed. No report.
WPPL Pistol Team – Gary Gibson. The 2021-2022 season WPPL practice and competition started again on 8 September 2021. The League is travelling to other clubs for competition and other clubs are travelling to compete at CGC. See the schedule posted on the Club Bulleting Board to determine which Wednesday evenings have William Penn Pistol League activities at CGC.
Trustees Report – Phil Dyche. The range cleanup day scheduled for Saturday 25 September 2021 was cancelled because of unavailability of key Club members. The range cleanup day will be rescheduled.
Gary Gibson noted that the range backstop is in need of repair. He also noted that other clubs have range bullet traps that deflect bullets upwards to a second, horizontal plate that traps bullets for gravity drop to the bottom of the bullet trap. No remove bullets/led, simply shovel from the bottom of the trap. Discussion included the fact that previous structural assessments of the CGC range do not allow for additional weight to be suspended from the CGC ceiling without significant reinforcement. Discussion led to consensus to re-examine range bullet trap options. ACTION ITEM: Range management.
Old Business – Gary Gibson mentioned the lack of a functioning soda machine. Discussion led to understanding that the current soda machine is inoperative and is not able to be repaired. Consensus recommendation was to dispose of the current soda machine and to examine feasibility of purchasing a refrigerator to be stocked with sodas for sale on an honor basis. ACTION ITEM: Range Management.
New Business – Elections for CGC office for the 2021-2022 fiscal year were held. In compliance with CGC By-Laws, the following slate was presented: President: Steve Baker; Vice-President: Joe Wasiak; Treasurer: Darren Snow; Recording Secretary: Slim Connors; Corresponding Secretary: Scot Storey; Trustee: Bob Berrettini. The slate was presented. Newly-elected Trustee, Bob Berrettini, was not present, but previously accepted nomination to replace Dick Pryor. Newly-elected Corresponding Secretary, Scot Storey was not present, but previously accepted the nomination to replace Clayton Morrow. All other elected positions are held by incumbents. Motion to accept slate, as presented, was made by Don Kirk; seconded by Courtney Genise. Motion carried.
For the Good of the Club – CGC member Sam Snyder wanted to know if his dues were paid via PayPal. Verified by Membership Committee Chair, Rob Stewart. Functioning key fob is another verification that dues are paid. CGC membership cards are no longer issued because of the implementation of key fobs.
Motion to adjourn was made by Phil Dyche; seconded by Courtney Genise. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm
Respectfully submitted,
Slim Connors
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club