Meeting Minutes May 2023

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Meeting Minutes May 2023

Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by the Club President.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers and Members Present: President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and three Trustees were present. The Vice-President, and Corresponding Secretary were absent. There were 33 members present.

Minutes for the 24 April 2023 meeting were read and approved.  Motion to accept the minutes, as read, was made by Steve Bear and seconded by Denny Kuehn. The motion carried.

Treasurer Report was read and approved.   The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CD of $50,597.74, less Training Fund of $1,292.11, amounted to $117,395.81. Motion to accept the Treasurer Report, as read, was made by Denny Kuehn and seconded by Tom Sheperd. The Motion carried.

Corresponding Secretary Report – No Report. The CGC President provided a summary.

CGC Training Group Activities Report – Denny Kuehn. The 22 May 2023 report indicated the CGC Training Fund ending balance was $1,292.11. CGC NRA Training Counselor hosted an NRA Basic Instructor Training course, Three NRA Pistol Instructor Pre-Qualifications, and an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor course. Congratulations to NRA Certified Pistol Instructors Steve Bear, Mike Consevage, Alan Huang, and Rob Stewart. See the 22 May 2023 Training Group Activities Report for details.

New Members – There were 10 new members voted into Club membership.

4-H Youth Small-Bore Rifle Shooting Program – John Gingrich. Daniel Miller is the Pennsylvania Senior Division State Champion. The 2022-2023 season is about completed…the 2023-2024 season will resume the end of September 2023. John requests the 2023-2024 CGC team schedule be placed on the CGC calendar.

Cowboy Action – No report.

Membership Committee – Rob Stewart. There are 473 current members, with an additional 10 members voted into the Club at the 22 May 2023 General Membership meeting. The 22 May 2023 General Membership Meeting was the last scheduled opportunity for new member range safety evaluations until the 29 January 2024 CGC General Membership meeting. There are an additional remaining 4 valid applicants who may be invited for individual or group new member CGC Range Orientation briefings and paperwork, and range safety evaluations by CGC NRA instructors. If found qualified, these remaining applicants may then be presented to the Body for Membership vote at any CGC general Membership Meeting before the before the 29 January 2024 CGC General Membership Meeting. Individual or group CGC Range Orientations and Safety Evaluations remain at the discretion of CGC NRA instructors, in accordance with CGC procedures.

Technology and Security Committee – No report.

WPPL Pistol Team – Gary Gibson. CGC WPPL teams finished the season with the Gold Team finishing 6th place and the Blue Team finishing 7th place. The “excellent” awards banquet was be held 13 May 2023 at the American Legion Linglestown, PA with more than 400 individuals attending.

Trustees Report

  1. George Lawrence. Trustees and associates are still pursuing estimates on roof repairs. Negotiations with Carlisle Construction Materials might include some donated materials worth up to $18,000. There is a standing bid for $40K that does not include repairs to roof decking, insulation, or ceiling suspension system. These additional `possible requirements could cost another $25K-$40K. Negotiations continue.
  2. Bob Berrettini. Work Day needs to be scheduled when the weather gets cooler to clean out bullet trap and to repair conveyor belts.

Old Business

  1. CGC roof repair update from Trustees Report, ref para 1 above. ACTION ITEM: Trustees and associates.
  2. The vote for CGC Membership Annual Dues to include a $10 discount for CGC members who are 65 or older before 1 November 2023 was taken up from the table in compliance with CGC By-Laws. Because members who made and seconded the motion were absent, there was no one in the Body who would speak in favor of the motion. Because CGC membership data does not include any method to verify member birthdates, this otherwise-noble motion was lost.
  3. Scheduling and announcing the CGC work day to clean the range bullet trap and to repair the range conveyor belts, ref para 2 above, remains an open item. ACTION ITEM: Trustees and Range Management.
  4. Tom McKay. Tom asks for a copy of the CGC budget. ACTION ITEM: CGC Treasurer.

New Business – None.

For the Good of the Club – None.

Motion to Adjourn – Motion to adjourn was made by Bob Berrettini and seconded by Rick Blosser. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Slim Connors

Recording Secretary