Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Tom Richwine, there were 34 members present.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers present: President –Tom Richwine, Vice President – Randy Nichols, Treasurer – Jeff Clippinger, Corresponding Secretary – Gary Gibson, Recording Secretary – Joe Wasiak, and Trustees – Mike Kubarek, and Phil Dyche.
The Minutes for the February 2016 meeting were read. There was an amendment to note that the topic of the future of the club needed to be discussed at a future date.
Treasurers Report was read and approved. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs and Training Fund amounted to $64,308.17.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report– No Report
NRA Training Committee Report. Frank Cummings reported the Committee had an ending balance of $5,142.35.
-Four new NRA instructors were certified on 18-20 March.
-The tentative class for future training includes:
April 15/16: Range Safety Officer Training
April 22-23: Basic Pistol Shooting
May 20-21: Personal Protection in the Home
June – Possibly a Personal Protection Outside the Home
-The NRA First Steps Training program is being retired on May 15, 2016.
Processing New Members. There was one new club candidate who was introduced and the dismissed to in process.
4H Report- The 4H Shooters are still practicing. There are no events until late summer. They have room for new members.
Cowboy Action– The Cowboy Action Shoots for 2017 are scheduled for January 7 and February 4.
Membership Committee– Tony Chiarella reported that with the addition of the new members this evening the total club membership stood at 399.
There was a question about the possible use of the FOB access system to determine the usage of the range by membership. Tony Chiarella will develop some some usage metrics and report back to the club.
Pistol Team– The next three Wednesday matches (April 6, 13, and 20) will be here at the club.
Trustees Report–
-Phil Dyche asked for feedback from the general members on the effectiveness of the heater system on the range.
Old Business.
-It was requested that the Club form a Building Committee to consider all capital improvements required for this facility and develop a comprehensive plan for all expenditures.
-Tom Richwine suggested the formation of a Capital Expenditures Committee. Andy Henry stated he would be willing to take on the responsibility of chairing this committee if others are willing to assist. Tom then directed the Corresponding Secretary to send a message to the general membership announcing the formation of this strategic planning committee and solicit volunteers to serve on it.
-There was a question about whether a one month delay on the decision to contract for repairs on the exterior of the building. It was reported that this work could be delayed.
-Tom Richwine directed the Corresponding Secretary to disseminate a message to the membership informing them that at the next meeting we will be discussing possible major expenditures for capital improvements and encouraging all to attend. At this meeting there will be discussions and decisions on spending funds for facility improvements.
New Business.
–Website- There was a general discussion on the management and maintenance of the club website. It was recommended that we create the position of a webmaster with a possible assistant to manage the updates of the Club Web Site. The position would come under the supervision of the Vice-President. Tome Richwine will investigate the hiring of a web design service to renovate the website and report back to the club.
Good of the Club. There is a Concealed Carry Seminar at Shippensburg University on April 2, frim 9-11:00. Registration is required As seating is limited.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.