Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers and Members Present: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and two Trustees. The Corresponding Secretary provided a written report, but Scot Storey and Trustee Phil Dyche were unable to attend. There were 30 members present.
Minutes for the 29 November 2021 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept the Minutes, as read, was made by Mike Kubarek, seconded by Kurt Uhler. The motion carried.
Treasurer Report was read and approved. The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs, and Training Fund, amounted to $112,734.81. Included in this total is the roof fund, which has $55K. Motion to accept the Report, as read, was made by Denny Kuehn, seconded by Bob Berrettini. The motion carried.
Corresponding Secretary Report – Scot Storey. Sent two member broadcast emails: 1 announcing the cancellation of the December CGC meeting; the dates of the January and February 2022 Cowboy action shoots; and a reminder that the CGC range is intended for pistol caliber cartridges up to .45ACP/.45 GAP; .45LC. The second broadcast email announced the 31 January 2022 CGC general membership meeting.
CGC Training Group Activities Report – Denny Kuehn. The CGC Training Fund balance is $6229.96. CGC NRA instructors hosted NRA Defensive Pistol courses for 4 shooters on 4 and 18 December 2021. CGC hosted NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting – Instructor Led Only courses for 27 shooters on 14-15 January and 21-22 January 2022. CGC NRA instructors will host an NRA Personal Protection In The Home course on 18-19 February 2021. There are 7 shooters registered for the course and 9 slots available. Cost is $80. NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is prerequisite. Register online at CGC Training Group submitted a check for $2000 to the Treasurer for the Club’s general fund. See the 31 January 2021 CGC Training Group Activities Report for additional information.
New Members – There were 14 new members voted into the Club.
4-H Youth Small-Bore Rifle Shooting Program – Pete Castle. There are normally between 6 and 10 youth shooters currently participating in the youth shooting program. The CGC-sponsored Cowboy Action Shoot on 8 January was well attended and the youth provided refreshments for shooters and for spectators. The next CGC-sponsored Cowboy Action shoot is 5 February 2022. Everyone is encouraged to attend to watch the Cowboy Action shooters and to support the youth shooting program.
Cowboy Action – Rick Blosser. The 8 January 2022 CGC-sponsored Cowboy Action shoot had 20 shooters and a good group of spectators. The next shoot at CGC is Saturday 5 February 2022. Based on attendance, between the two shoots, the Club should receive $400-$500 from entrance fees. The 2023 CGC-sponsored Cowboy Action shoots will be Saturday 7 January 2023 and Saturday 4 February 2023.
Membership Committee – There are currently 433 active members, leaving 67 remaining available membership slots. There are 41 new member applications, including 14 of those who are present to be voted on at the 31 January meeting. There are also 4 applicants with no sponsor and 2 applicants with sponsors who are no longer members…these 6 applicants should attend a meeting and contact the CGC Training group or dropped from the applicant list, if they don’t make contact. Additionally, there are 3 applicants who have been delaying attending a meeting for many months for personal reasons and 1 applicant who is not eligible to join and failed to show up at the 31 January 2022 meeting…all 4 should have their applications removed from the CGC membership database.
Technology and Security Committee – No report.
WPPL Pistol Team – Dick Pryor. The WPPL season is 2/3 the way over. CGC teams are holding their own, but the CGC teams need more shooters. The next match at the Club is Wednesday, 2 February 2022. Anyone interested in WPPL Precision Pistol shooting, please contact Gary Gibson or Dick Pryor any other CGC WPPL shooter. See the schedule on the CGC Bulleting Board for matches and for names of CGC shooters.
Trustees Report – George Lawrence. 1. There was a discussion about the possibility of wiring the maintenance heater on the range for full-time operation. The decision was not to, because that heater was not designed for full-time operation. 2. The tentative CGC work day is Saturday 5 March 2022. Action Items: Corresponding Secretary get the word out; Webmaster put work day on the CGC calendar; Trustees coordinate all supplies and equipment needed for efficient operations. 3. CGC Member Matt Kempf has a welder and volunteered to help weld whatever applicable repairs are needed on 5 March. Also, a relative of member Steve Bear, Mr. Mitchell Bear is also a welder and can be asked to help, as needed.
Old Business None.
New Business – CGC Member Doctor James Hurley, volunteered to conduct another Stop The Bleed training class for anyone who is interested. CGC Member Barbara Vanner is also a Stop The Bleed certified instructor and might be able to assist with conducting this training. Action Item: CGC Chief of Training coordinate with Doctor Hurley, Barbara Vanner, the Corresponding Secretary and with the Webmaster to coordinate a date and time for this training.
For the Good of the Club
Motion to Adjourn was made by Mike Kubarek, seconded by Denny Kuehn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.
Respectfully submitted, Slim Connors, Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club