Meeting Minutes December 2019

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Meeting Minutes December 2019

Carlisle Gun Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by the Club President.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers present: President, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and 2 Trustees.  There were 29 members present.

The Minutes for the November 2019 meeting were read and approved. 

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.  The total balance of all accounts, checking, savings, CDs and Training Fund amounted to $79,263.37.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report- No Report.

NRA Training Group Report- CGC NRA Instructors conducted an NRA Defensive Pistol course for 5 shooters and all requirements were met. CGC members Dr. Jim Hurley and Ms. Barbara Vanner recently conducted a Bleeding Control Basics Course (also known as “Stop the Bleed”).  There were 8 CGC members who completed the course.

New Members- There were 18 new members processed into the Club.

4-H Sharpshooters– Recently the two youngest shooters competed in their first match.  On January 18th, six shooters will be competing in the Palmyra Invitational.  Also, the team is in need of 2 Left-handed Savage rifles.

Cowboy Action- The Cowboy Action group activities will resume in January.  Contact Rick Blosser for more information.

Membership Committee- Currently there are 452 active members and 26 pending new member applications.  Please be reminded that Sponsors must be present at the meeting when a new member is being inducted.

WPPL Pistol Team- No Report.

Technology and Security Committee- There was a short in the main entrance door that prevented members from gaining access to the club.  The magnet on the latch was bad and has been repaired.   Also, there’s a problem with logging into the computer system at the CGC to activate new members’ fobs.  The fobs will be issued and activated at a later date.

Trustees Report– The roof was repaired with rubber roofing by a CGC member.  The main entrance door lock was repaired.  The heating system still needs to be serviced as now the coin operated heater is non-operational.

Old Business-

NRA-ILA- Tonight is the last opportunity to give our Treasurer any financial contributions to support the NRA-ILA .  The CGC will match donations up to $500.

New Business- None

For the Good of the Club- None

The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Moul
Recording Secretary, Carlisle Gun Club